Exprimental Law & Economics Workshop (July 17 2024)

GLEA offers an Experimental Law & Economics Workshop for a hands-on introduction to experimental methods and their role in law and economics. Attendees will acquire basic proficiency in programming an experiment, data collection, and analysis techniques, including a tour of the Experimental Economics Laboratory (“WiSo Lab”) at the University of Hamburg.

The target audience is junior scholars, including those with a law background (no prior knowledge required). The fee is €15.

Please pre-register here.

The workshop will take place one day before the conference begins, i.e. on July 17, 2024. The location of the workshop will be: Room 1083a ("the EMLE room") in Von-Melle-Park 5 ("the WiWi bunker"). To get to the room, enter either through entrance E (from behind the building, accessible from Grindelallee) or through entrance A or B. 

More details will be announced soon.  


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