GLEA 2024

Welcome to the 21st Annual Conference of the German Law and Economics Association!
This year's edition will be held at the University of Hamburg—a birthplace of law and economics in Germany—on July 18–19, 2024.
As a novelty of GLEA 2024, we have extended a special invitation to legal scholars to present their law and economics research and discuss it with economists. Another important addition is a workshop on Experimental Methods in Law and Economics on July 17, the day before the conference. Last but not least, from now on GLEA will award its Young Scholar Prize regularly. 
The conference program is now available
Unfortunately, registration is closed
Paper uploads: Presenters can share their paper with their discussant and other conference participants by uploading them here; if you prefer to not make your paper available to all participants, send it to your discussant. Final papers have been due since June 17. 
Any questions? Please contact us at
We look forward to hosting you in the beautiful Hanseatic city of Hamburg.

Copyright: UHH/von Wieding
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